This small gem of a studio is one of the favourites of the musicians visiting our Centro Musica. The room is still well-functioning and in great condition despite trash metal bands who have played their 4000 decibel music in there. It survived explosions of sound and often hosts legendary bands (such as Vanzo’s). It’s just great. It measures 20 mq.


Instruments and appliances
- 1 Pearl Vision Birch set of drums with Paiste cymbals and stool
- 1 Combo LV300 Laney guitar amp
- 1 Line6 Spider 3 head/cab amp
- 1 Yamaha MG124CX mixer and 2 FBT ProMaxX 12A speakers
- 1 Laney RB9 bass amp
- 2 microphone stands
- 1 music stand